How Hallowe’en Lost Its Roots

Once upon a time not that long ago, the end of October brought celebrations of gratitude, reverence and honoring: the harvest was in, plants and planets that sustained life were thanked, and people readied themselves for the coming darkness and quiet of winter while acknowledging the dead and their part ...

“Every Time I Sing, I Heal. And You Can Too.”

Music transforms us in a myriad number of ways, our experience of it as unique as we are.  Listening to our favorite songs or performers can lift our spirits, cause us to be more introspective, or soothe our jangled nerves. But singing?  That shifts us into an entirely different state ...

There’s No Time Limit for Grief

There is no designated or pre-determined end point for grief.It has a timetable all its own and is as individual as our losses are. We don't know what course our grief journey will take, so there's no way someone outside ourselves can possibly venture a guess (or opinion) on what ...

Mycelium Marvels: Exploring the Fungi-Rich World of Rabbit Compost in Your Garden

Unexpected Allies for Your Garden In the realm of gardening, there exists an unexpected but powerful ally that can revolutionize fungi growth: a seemingly disregarded 'waste' product with astounding potential to enrich soil. For those passionate about sustainability and nurturing a flourishing garden, this discovery is a game-changer. Enter the ...

For the Birds! DIY Suet Cakes

Wintertime provides some of the best bird watching opportunities, especially if you offer them these suet cakes made in your own kitchen! Not only does making these bird delights give you that great feeling of connecting with the natural world, it also adds another check in your zero waste column ...

It’s Time for Blueberry Oatmeal Breakfast-or anytime-Cake

Pale green globes, pinkish purple, dusty blue then dark purpley blue. There's the evolution of a blueberry in a few hues. For those with blueberry bushes of your own, you know how tough it can be to wait until they achieve that dark purpley hue before twisting them off their ...

The Heart Health Test Most Docs Don’t Order, But Should

The typical blood test for heart health measures cholesterol levels, aka lipids: the HDL ("good cholesterol") and LDL ("bad cholesterol"). The test results are just three numbers: HDL, LDL and Total cholesterol. Can 3 numbers give a full and accurate view of your cardiovascular health? I don't think so. While ...

Healing Our World One Postcard at a Time

There's a lot of hopelessness and helplessness in our country and world right now.  Hopeless that true change may never happen, and feeling helpless to do anything that contributes to the healing. We have lost connection with ourselves, one another, our world and especially Mother Earth.  I believe this disconnect ...

Your Best Self-care Tip May Be Doing Nothing

We’re at the crossroads again: a new year, new promises, new shoulds and pressures to strive higher and harder to “be more, do more and have more.” We’re told that bigger dreams and bodacious goals get realized when we push the limit. But is this really the only way to ...