‘Eagle Poem’ by Joy Harjo

This is a lovely poem by the former U.S. Poet Laureate, Joy Harjo.  Eagle Poem To pray you open your whole self To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon To one whole voice that is you. And know there is more That you can't see, can't hear, Can't know ...

How Singing Heals Us

Photo by Faye Cornish on Unsplash We've all experienced the effects of listening to music: a soothing symphony, an energetic jazz number or the cringeing effects of a youngster banging with abandon on a piano. Music changes us.  But singing can heal us. The Benefits of Singing The benefits of ...

How to Use Chantras to Calm and Uplift

Chantras are short, simple songs similar to chants and mantras.  Singing the few lines repeatedly can have big effects on one's mood and body. There are several chantras on my YouTube channel that you can listen and sing along to to get a feel for what they can do for you. Choose ...

I Am The Light – A New Chantra to Inspire and Connect

I love how chantras just come to me, little gifts from the heavens. These simple melodies and lyrics (think chant + mantra), express how I'm feeling or would like to feel, brought on by a single word or concept as I walk in my neighborhood or hike in the woods ...

A Helpful Tool for Quieting the Mind and Restoring Inner Peace

Still Water at Oaks Bottom. Photo by Heather Michet Our minds race. The to-do list is too long. Demands from life and those outside ourselves pull us to be busy. Time each day to quiet the external noise, stop our doing-ness and still our mind is a precious resource: it ...

Blessing for My First Day as a Widow

A pillar in my life died last week, leaving my longtime, beloved friend Barb a widow. As I grieved, I thought of the huge hole in her world: her husband of many decades is no longer physically by her side. Wanting to offer love and support to Barb, I was ...

What’s In The “Dash” on Your Epitaph?

The Dash, a poem by Linda Ellis, is a familiar reading in memorial ceremonies. I love how it calls those present at a memorial ceremony to remember: We're all going to run out of time.  What we choose to do, how we live, how we love and treat one another ...

Grief is a Sneaky Bugger

It was a snowy Sunday morning – slow and peaceful.  Capt. Jack, No Sparrows and I are both stationed on the multi-use table in our home: he’s watching bird tv out the bay window and I’m happily planted with my calculator and two tax prep organizers, mine and dad’s.  I ...

Stroll, Pause and Remember Your Loved Ones

The number of ways we can celebrate, honor and remember our loved ones who have died is unlimited. Time of Remembering in Meinig Park is an annual event created by Mt. Hood Hospice in Sandy OR. As a free, drop in event spanning 2 early evening hours, it is a ...