Being the first day of a new month, I am happy and grateful to write out my Blessing Exchange checks, BEs for short – commonly referred to by most folks as ‘bills’ and done with growls, snarls, bad moods, anger and resentment. With each BE I write, I express my thanks for what the […]
Category: Healing
Can You Heal from the Death of a Child?
Parents are supposed to die first, not their children. That’s just the natural order of life. But children leave this life every moment of every day. No matter the child’s age or cause of death – illness, miscarriage, suicide or abortion, it’s devastating to those left behind, particularly for moms. The emotions felt by parents, […]
I’m Changing Valentine’s Day and You Can Too
It’s Valentine’s Day. Again. Maybe this excites you. Maybe it makes you groan with annoyance or painful emotions. No matter your reaction, I think it needs a rewrite. How Can This Be Meaningful? When a knee-jerk holiday or observance day rolls around on the calendar, my inner, anti-commercialized and ‘make it all meaning-full’ voice asks: […]
Your Body’s Many Cries for Water
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: An Updated Guide to Stress, Stress Related Diseases, and Coping
Staying Healthy With the Seasons
The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness
Changing Normal: How I Helped My Husband Beat Cancer
The Walk in the Woods
It was an exquisitely beautiful and heart-filled celebration of life. My musician friend died far too young, with so much music still inside of him. The heavens will benefit as his soul soars and cruises through the ethers playing his fascinatingly complex blend of guitar loops. Thankfully for those of us left walking the earth, […]
Have You Kondo’d Yet? It Will Transform Your Life.
I believe in – and practice – living simply. Heck, I used to teach a seminar by that very name. There’s a book that’s taken the world by storm that is changing the lives of the folks who follow its program. It’s Marie Kondo’s best seller “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. Even though de-cluttering […]