Going Under the Knife? Tips for Pre- and Post-Surgery

Any surgery is invasive and a stressor to the body.  Healing takes time! We can ease and speed healing time with diet, supplements, and remedies which strengthen and nourish the body both before and after the surgery.  It is especially important to build up the immune system before going into the hospital in these times.  There are so many “community” diseases such as MRSA and staph infections running rampant in health care facilities, that you must guard yourself against them in addition to healing well.

Remember that the mind (attitude) is a big part of any process, especially surgery. Keep a positive attitude and declarations when preparing for, undergoing and recovering from surgery. Use images, affirmations, whatever works best for you, to set the tone for the procedure and recovery process. This includes how you speak to the doctors and attendants doing the surgery. Provide them with the music you want them to play during surgery.  (Yes, they do listen to music in the operating rooms while performing their tasks.)  Infect them with your attitude and good feelings! This will boost their awareness that you are not simply having something ‘done to you’ and that they are part of your team.

Sleep is probably the single best thing you can do for yourself and your healing. The body does most of its healing work during sleep. Rest up before the procedure and certainly afterward.

Best time to have surgery is 5 (five) days either side of the New Moon when bleeding is at its most controllable.

Avoid surgery:

  • either 5 days before or 5 days after the Full Moon
  • at times when Mercury or Mars are retrograde. Mars is the planet of surgery and is related to bleeding.

 Giving blood: If you give blood either for a blood bank or to have available for your own surgery (if needed), donate blood just before the Full Moon when it flows more easily and quickly.

Practices one week prior to Surgery:

  • AVOID taking vitamin E supplements, aspirin and all compounds containing aspirin for 2 weeks prior to surgery as these thin the blood. Eliminate garlic, ginger, gingko biloba, EPA, kava kava, and feverfew one week prior to surgery.
  • Eliminate wheat in all its forms as it is highly inflammatory and causes much strain on the body.
  • Reduce the amount of protein you eat so that your digestive system is not overworked with breaking down heavy foods. Eat lots of fresh vegetables: green, yellow, orange, red as these are high in antioxidants; fruit, rice and other whole grains, and some fish – especially salmon & cod.
  • Enjoy nuts and seeds but no peanuts. Mix in some blackstrap molasses for enhancing clotting capability.
  • Apply custom-formulated Aromatherapy blends daily to build the immune system and calm any anxiety associated with surgery.


  • Vitamin C with bioflavonoids at 500 mg 4X daily, but stop 48 hours prior to surgery.  Electrolyte Stamina Paks are a great choice for this.
  • Greens Paks – 1 pak per day.  These are a supreme way to boost immunity with their 6000+ ORAC value derived from fruits and vegetables.  Sweetened with stevia and very tasty.
  • Probiotics – 2 servings per day until surgery then resume after
  • Flax oil – 1 tsp per day
  • Tranquility blend or Bach Flower’s Rescue Remedy as needed before surgery to calm emotions of anxiety and/or stress regarding the procedure

The day before surgery, eat mostly veggies and follow any diet advice from your surgeon.

After surgery:

  • Start eating raw juices or miso soup. Begin eating only veggies. Gradually increase foods as your appetite returns. Large meals can be overwhelming to the system and disrupts the body’s main focus of healing and recovery. Eat several small meals each day vs. a couple of large ones.
  • Consume at least 8 cups of filtered water each day and include herbal teas, juices and protein drinks as well. Proper water intake will help flush the anesthesia & other toxins out of the body.
  • Milk Thistle, either as herb caps or tincture is very good post surgery as it protects the liver from toxic buildup of drugs and chemicals.
  • Pau D’Arco is an antibacterial herb. It enhances healing, cleanses the blood, and aids in prevention of candidiasis.
  • The homeopathic remedy Arnica is good for reducing swelling and promotes healing.
  • Custom-formulated Aromatherapy blends to help with any of the following: detoxing from anesthesia, pain relief, immune system support, restful sleep, and/or relaxation of nervous system
  • Some foods interfere with the actions of certain medications: cow’s milk, other dairy products, anything containing probiotics and iron supplements may interfere with some forms of antibiotics.

Remember that it takes the body weeks to recover from the trauma of surgery. Take it easy and be very good to yourself.

2 thoughts on “Going Under the Knife? Tips for Pre- and Post-Surgery

  1. Charlotta Hibbs

    This will be great to share with friends and family before they have surgery! Thanks for this caring post.

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