If you are a busy baker, you may want to switch to a baking powder that does not contain aluminum, as most commercial ones do. Here’s why: Aluminum consumption has been linked with the development of Alzheimer’s Disease. Use of aluminum based acid salts to leaven the dough can also sometimes give a slightly metallic taste to the final product.
This is one obscenely easy thing to make yourself. Not only do you control the quality of ingredients used, you also save money and unnecessary packaging that typically is not recyclable.
Here goes:
1 Tbsp. baking sodaA blog about reclaiming vibrant health; sharing tools, tips and techniques you can utilize today.
2 Tbsp. cream of tartar*
2 Tbsp. arrowroot or cornstarch (make sure cornstarch is organic, i.e. non-GMO)
Mix all in a small glass jar with a wooden spoon, stirring well to break up any lumps. Cover tightly with lid and store in a cool, dry place. Use the same amount of this baking powder as you would purchased.
*Cream of tartar and arrowroot can be found in most good bulk food sections.
Enjoy your baking delights with even more smiles and sighs, knowing that one more ingredient came from your hands with consciousness for your health and that of the planet.