Celebrate Spring: Root Garlic for Eating Now & Planting

Spring is officially here!! What better way to herald its arrival than by sprouting, planting and eating some garlic.  And taking a video of the process and results!

I had a few garlic cloves beginning to sprout while still in their head, so I decided to try something I’d recently seen posted on Instagram: Root them in water! (You can tell by all of the exclamation points that this kind of thing is exciting to me :))

Why do this, isn’t fall the best time to plant garlic? Yes, fall tends to be a better time to plant garlic, but you can really plant it anytime. I like getting it into the ground in the fall because it’s a tradition, plus it also helps me track its growing cycle, ie. knowing when to dig it up.

The other “why” is to simply have some delicious garlic scapes (shoots) to eat now! Whether you keep the cloves in a glass in your kitchen or plant them outside, you can snip off a few scapes to add to salads, stir frys, eggs, or as a garnish. YUM.

BONUS Why: This is a great activity to do with kids because they can do each step. Plus, the wait time to see results of their “planting” is very short. It took only 5 days for all of this roots and shoots action to come about in my glass.  Activate wonder in children and they will choose to learn throughout their lives, be interested & interesting, and never be bored.  What a gift to them.

Now for the HOW:

1. Separate garlic cloves from the head and peel off the outer paper on each clove.

2. Stand the cloves root side down, in a wide glass or jar.

3. Add water to cover root end and a bit up the clove. Avoid submerging the whole clove.

4. Keep an eye on maintaining the water level over the root ends and watch the magic happen!

Once rooted, either plant outside in the garden or in a container.

Have fun with this and please share your experience and any kid quotes in the Comments.

May your gardens grow with love and care, benefitting us all.

5 Reasons to Use a Nebulizing Diffuser

With all of the additional nasties in our air due to Covid-19 and wildfire smoke, I’ve been running my diffuser more frequently to clear the air and help support my immune system.

Fresh Air Fare is great to diffuse with all of its many benefits for body as well as the air we breathe.

The majority of essential oil diffusers I’ve seen use heat (ring on the light bulb type) and/or steam to deliver the oils into the room.

Neither of these methods are helpful except to the coffers of those supplying the oils.  Read why this is so in the 5 points below.

5 Reasons Nebulizing Diffusers Are the Best:

? Full potency and healing benefits of the oils remain throughout diffusing time. No heat is used in nebulizing diffusers so all of the desired characteristics of the oils are retained. The 2 enemies of essential oils are heat and light. Once heated, the oils lose their healing benefits.

? Saves time & attention because a small, gentle air stream instead of water delivers the oils into the space. There’s no refilling of a water well in the diffuser so there’s less time tending the diffuser.

? The concentration of the oils (100%) dispersed is constant throughout diffusing. Have you noticed with steam- based diffusers you get the smell of the oil essence for the first several minutes, then nothing?

? A small amount of oil lasts a super long time (eg. 10 drops can provide up to 20 hours of diffusing, depending upon the diffuser type and size) so you save money & oils.

? Shorter diffusing periods (lots of healing power in less time than with water-based diffusers means less electricity used. This is sustainable for your wallet and the planet.

Nebuluzing diffusers are a win all the way around.

Which diffuser should I buy?

Here is the unit I recommend. Click on the link to see its properties (including a built-in timer!) and to purchase.

May your air and breathing be healthfully restored!

Do you diffuse essential oils?  What are you diffusing?  Let me know in the Comments below.

Wear A Mask, Wash Your Mask for Best Protection

Wearing a face mask is one of 2 key steps to slowing the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

There’s another key step, however, when it comes to using face masks: it’s critical to use a clean, fresh mask.  If you keep using the same mask over and over again, you’re putting on “protection” that may well contain the very nasties you’re trying to avoid spreading and taking into your body!

If you use cloth masks, please wash them between uses out in public, ie. when around other people.  If you are using disposable paper masks, then discard used ones and wear a new one next time you go out and about.  My preference is for cloth masks because they are reusable/washable and avoid waste.

For cloth masks, if you have a good number of them (a great idea if you’re going out in public a lot), then just toss them in with your laundry.  Or, you can wash them by hand if laundry day is a ways away.

Photo by Vera Davidova on Unsplash

How To Wash Fabric Masks By Hand:

  1. Run very warm to hot water in a ceramic, glass or metal bowl to which you’ve added about a teaspoon of liquid dish or hand soap.
  2. Add masks and swish around with your gloved hand (to avoid being burned and not come into contact with mask contaminants) or a metal spoon.  Make sure they are saturated with soapy water.  If needed, add more water so there’s more water than mask and they move freely when swished.
  3. Let them soak for a solid 15 minutes.
  4. Remove from soapy water and rinse with very warm water. Hang to dry.
Photo by Alin Luna on Unsplash


Voila!  You have nice clean masks to wear on your next adventure out in public.

Wearing a face mask is one of 2 key steps to slowing the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

There’s another key step, however, when it comes to using face masks: it’s critical to use a clean, fresh mask.  If you keep using the same mask over and over again, you’re putting on “protection” that may well contain the very nasties you’re trying to avoid spreading and taking into your body!

Thank you for wearing your mask and being part of the solution!

Stay safe and well, everyone.


Featured Image Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

Bottled Water Causes Health Problems, But This Is Worse!

The temperature was over 95 degrees as I walked past these pallets of plastic water bottles at the big retail store entrance.  I nearly fainted, but not from the heat!!

My entire being was cringing at the rising level of poisons being released into those water bottles that many people would end up taking into their bodies. Oh, the ignorance.  Time for some educating!  (I did talk with the store manager about the placement of the product in full sun on a scorching day.  Suffice it to say that his response was beyond dismissive and certainly didn’t result in them moving the product or refraining from repeating the act days later.)

Why bottled water is toxic

Bottled water is toxic to human health for so many reasons.  The biggest culprit is the nasty chemicals, such as BPA, that leach into the water from the plastic container.  (You can read more about why bottled water is toxic to humans and the planet here.)

Photo by Bram Wouters on Unsplash

Add a huge dose of heat to this already poisoned beverage and you’ve exponentially ramped up the cancer and other health risk factors.  Yuck.

How can you stay hydrated, yet avoid these health risks in bottled water?

Best alternatives to bottled water

  1. Never buy water in plastic bottles, that’s a given.  And certainly not those that have been baking in 90+ degree heat!!
  2. If your only option for hydration is bottled water, purchase it in glass containers or second best, metal cans.  Remember that bottled water should only be ingested for a short-term hydration source.
  3. Use glass or stainless steel water bottles at home, at work, on the go and in your car.
  4. Buy a Multipure water filter for your home and make your own bottled water right from your tap, with your water bottle of choice!  No more schlepping all of those bottles from store to car to home.  Quit paying for poisoned water!  Say bye bye to plastic bottles and their non-recyclable lids.

To learn more about your drinking water contaminants and which filter is best for you and your family, schedule your Healthy Water For You Call with me here.  You’ll be so glad you did.

Happy Summer and stay hydrated!  Just make sure you pass on the bottled water…unless it’s your own 🙂

Let Us Fly Like Eagles and Lead with Love

I firmly believe that we are in the midst of a deep transformation and healing, a time to amplify our awareness, our love and our role in the uplifting of humankind.

This recent Note from the Universe echoes my belief perfectly:

Primitive societies live by the Rule of Might, and the strong prevail.
Advanced societies live by the Rule of Law, and the privileged prevail.
Enlightened societies live by the Rule of Love, and everyone is lifted higher.

Staying home during the Covid-19 pandemic not only shut us in physically, but also resulted in pent-up energy, emotions and plenty of frustration.  Finding constructive and effective ways to expend and release this energy has been very challenging even for me – someone who has many tools and practices and easy access to Nature.  I truly cannot imagine the magnification of the energy and frustration for those living in dense urban areas or those who have no tools of support to get them through tough days, even minutes.

Over the last 2-1/2 months, I’ve witnessed increased impatience, short fuses, hot tempers, and other attempts to unleash this pent-up energy on the few occasions I’ve gone out to buy groceries or fetch library materials.  Put together an entire nation under extended stay home orders, centuries-old racism, and the need for raising our humanity bar, and you’ve got where we’ve arrived.  But using hate and acts of violence is NEVER ok, nor is it ever a solution to any issue.

The healing, the transformation starts with us, each individual.  Three powerful tools I utilize to reflect, shift and rebalance myself are music, writing and being in Nature. 

What tools do you use to calm and shift your energy?



A song to inspire and lift you up: May We All Fly Like Eagles.

Indeed.  Let’s do this.  We’ve got the tools and the power.


Featured eagle photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash

City street photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash

Will You Take The Mender Pledge?

During turbulent times of change, transformation and healing such as now, I look to words, music and the natural world for clarity, direction and inspiration.

This morning I found direction and inspiration when I read The Mender Pledge in a friend’s email.  It is  from the book Creating A World That Works For All by Sharif M. Abdullah.  I feel it’s a perfect starting point for healing ourselves and our world, the one we all inhabit.

Here’s the text of the pledge:

The Mender Pledge

I believe in inclusivity. ​ I believe that our lives are inextricably linked with one another. We
cannot wage war against anyone without waging war against ourselves. Therefore, I will
practice inclusivity with myself, my family, my community, the natural world, and all others. I
will actively work toward the goal of an inclusive society, a world that works for all.

I know that we are one.​ Therefore, I will give to you what I want for me. I know that there is
enough for all.

I want everyone to win.​ Therefore, I will work to resolve all conflicts to every party’s

I want acceptance.​ Therefore, I will accept myself for who and what I am, I will accept you for
who and what you are, and I will accept all others for who and what they are. Even if I resist
your behavior, I will accept you as a Child of God, a part of the Divine.

I want no harm. ​ Therefore, I will not harm myself or you or any others, by thought, word, or

I want forgiveness.​ Therefore, I will forgive myself, I will forgive you, and I will forgive all

I want to be free. ​ Therefore, I will not let others dominate, control, or manipulate me. And I
will not dominate, control, or manipulate you or others.

I want peace. ​ Therefore, I will be peaceful with myself, with you, and with others.

I want love.​ Therefore, I will love myself, I will love you, and I will love all others.
I find it hard to do the right thing when people react to me out of fear or lack. At those times, I
want to separate from them, see them as wrong or evil or just different. I want to defend
myself. Then I realize that all of the discord, disharmony, and disease in the world comes from
the futile attempt to defend against that which is within us. I will create bridges across our
fears, our pain, and our illusion of lack. I may take several attempts, but I will succeed. And we
all shall win.

From “Creating a World That Works for All” by Sharif M. Abdullah

For my version, I am replacing “I want…” with “I choose…”  Choosing is declarative.  Wanting which implies lack and that something is missing. I believe each of these choices is not only possible, but already present within us and our collective humanity.

Will you join me in creating a unified world?  Will you take this pledge?

I pray you say yes.

Water Tests, Sandy OR Style

Having your spring or well water tested doesn’t need to be a big chore, especially if you live in or around the Sandy OR area.  The City of Sandy makes this so easy by offering a sample pick-up and drop-off service.  Alexin Analytical Laboratories performs the testing.

Steps to Get Your Sampling Kits:

1)  Stop by Sandy City Hall (39250 Pioneer Blvd. Sandy OR) during business hours to pick up the sampling bottle and test order form.  Sampling instructions, test ordering directions and pricing are included with the bottle.   Please call City Hall (503-668-5533) to arrange a time to pick up a sampling kit.

2)  Sample your water according to the included instructions.  The sample must be taken from your source (usually the kitchen faucet) less than 24 hours from the time the lab picks up the samples.

3)  Drop off your completed sample at Sandy City Hall before 10 a.m. on Tuesday.  Alexin picks up completed samples on the first 4 Tuesdays of the month.

4)  Call Alexin Analytical Laboratories at 503-639-9311 the next day, Wednesday, to provide payment via debit or credit card.

5)  Test results are sent to you directly via mail within 7 – 10 days, or less.

What Should I Test For?

Three contaminants are tested for in the Private Well Package test: bacteria (fecal coliform), arsenic and nitrates.  The cost of this test is $105.  (as of 2.17.2023)

If you have questions about the testing service, you can phone City Hall at 503-668-5533 for more information.

To learn more about what contaminants to test for and how often tests should be performed, see my “Testing, testing…This is a Test” blog post.

When was the last time your well or spring water was tested?

Now’s the time to learn what harmful contaminants may be present in your well water.

Knowing what’s in your drinking water is the first step to healthy water and a healthier you.

Next is choosing the water filter that reduces those contaminants, resulting in improved health and peace of mind for you and your family.

I can help you choose the best water filter for you, your household and water quality in a Healthy Water for You Call.

Learn more and schedule this FREE call here.

I look forward to helping you get healthy drinking water from your tap!

Featured Photo by Hans Reniers on Unsplash

Grow Veggies From Scraps, Part 2

I’m passionate about living and promoting vibrant health.  I’m also rabidly green when it comes to reducing waste and “using everything up”, as my grandma used to say.

This is particularly true of food, resulting in lots of tricks and practices I do to minimize useable food scraps going to compost.

Vegetable peelings, inedible stalks and onion skins are some of the bits that end up in my freezer stash to be made into vegetable stock.  But some of them get a chance to root in water and offer young shoots for salads, or get planted in the garden!

Here’s a short video showing some of the results.

Carrots, leeks, head lettuce, and green onions are some of the vegetable trimmings that grow quickly in a small dish or glass with a bit of filtered water.

A Delightful Surprise

Today I started to see the exciting growth from a plant end I hadn’t thought of growing in water: spinach!

I happily bought some fresh spinach from my favorite farmer the other day; you get the entire young plants (vs. just the leaves) with the trimmed root end intact.  After removing the leaves from one bunch, I put one plant in a glass with some water to see what would happen.

A few days later, check this out!

Loads of new leaves coming on.

I’ll be planting this in the garden, along with the other young spinaches that get a second round of providing great, fresh organic food to my body.

What have you had success growing this way?

Any tips you can share with us in the Comments below?  We’d love to hear!

Teas To Regenerate on a Rainy Spring Day

It’s a rainy Spring day – not the usual time I’d build a fire in the woodstove, head to the couch, and curl up with tea and a good book.

But that’s exactly what I’m doing because I need it.  It’s been a busy time: physically (the yardens are calling!), mentally (business marches forth) and emotionally (lots to process during these Corona Times.)

So I’ve brewed up a lovely mug of Sandy Rose Tea that will add an uplift to my morning with its smooth and delicate body.  Thereafter, that first mug will likely be followed with a big pot of Breathe Better Tea.  With its beneficial and yummy combo of herbs, I’ll get a boost to my immune system, support my respiratory health, and settle in even further to a day of writing and regenerating.

What’s your favorite tea to snuggle up with in front of a fire?

Comfort Food Beyond Easy: 1 Bowl Mac ‘n Cheese

We can all use a bit of extra comfort these days while under isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  And no food dishes out the comfort like mac ‘n cheese.

If you’ve ever made the traditional version of this dish, it is time-consuming and quite labor intensive with making a white sauce, cooking the pasta and so on.

But what if you could get a super yummy mac ‘n cheese without either of those 2 steps?  Blissful, right?

Here ya go.

Quick and Easy Mac ‘n Cheese

2 cups raw macaroni  To make gluten-free, I use brown rice pasta

1 quart milk of choice  I use almond.

1 Tbsp. butter

1.5 cups grated cheddar cheese (I love extra sharp white cheddar for this.)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Put butter in 9″ x 13″ glass baking dish and place in preheating oven.  Remove when melted and swirl to coat bottom and halfway up sides of baking dish.  Add melted butter to large mixing bowl, then add remaining ingredients.  Stir well.

Pour mixture into prepared baking dish and bake for 1 hour, uncovered, until lightly browned.

Feel free to add whatever faves you like in your mac, whether they be bits of peppers, meat or onion.  This recipe is all about ease and comfort so make it your own!